Is there anything better than a Rocket III?

with us "older" folk it was wine,women & song now, its beer the old lady & tv

An old Mate of mine who served in the Navy said he joined the Navy to see the world but all he saw was sea, sea ,sea ,also instead of wine women and song all he got was Rum,Bum and gramophone records
Is there anything better than a rocket? Last month I would have said no, other than agreeing with Eric two Rockets are better than one. This month the Rocket is down. So I'd have to say a Thunderbird, or a Honda since they have two wheels a motor and still run. Speaking of dogs:
Yes, I deed!
However, NONE are better if you be old, decrepit & still wish rock your motorcycle!

Yes I would rate my dog over my Rocket. I'm a sucker for them all!
Is that a stray that showed up at your place, he looks forlorn and aware of his predicament?
Yes I would rate my dog over my Rocket. I'm a sucker for them all!
Is that a stray that showed up at your place, he looks forlorn and aware of his predicament?
Yes, that was the first day she arrived. She's heavier and happier now but I am not a pet lover. She has to go.
If you want bigger there is always Boss Hoss. Out of my league in both size and $$$.
I don't know about the better part, but there's somebody on here that has them both, I think.