So I'm giving up 42 HP and about 13 ft. lbs. of torque by selling off my Roadster and buying a Touring bike.
Well, that is what my avatar is for, to say that my other bike is an Indian Roadmaster. Slower than the Triumph Rocket Touring, to be sure, but very, very comfortable and that is what I ride when I know I will be in the saddle more than two hours.
Now, I would be the first to admit that making two bike payments every month is borderline lunatic. Especially when you have an operation on your back that takes you off the road for months! But I make them, it's just me, my wife approves, so let em' roll.
Yeah, I know I am crazy with my retirement funds - but to me, better than spending thousands on a cruise ship to come away with nothing but some memories of picking up shells on some island you stopped at...and BTW, it seems that I have about as much chance at being injured on my bike as I do being infected with who knows what on those cruise ships.