Is the R3 suitable for long distance ?

@1olbull can pack some miles at a time!
@R3Tex does Iron butt rides, but mostly on his Harley I think
I did a 820 in 2 days to Stearns ,Ky - 500 while there - 820 back with the first day back doing 550 with no complaints, on a stock double seat with backrest
I guess like Paul said, you need to set it up to fit you.
Even in the cycling world (bicycles) - Bike fit is the most important thing you can do for your setup.

6th gear? Nah
My 07 Classic was a great touring machine once I got a Clearview windscreen, Corbin seat and detachable saddlebags. To me the stock seat was rubbish with the stock windscreen creating way too much buffeting from both under and over the screen. The Clearview fixed that.

A Tnrottlemeister too was a great help for long distance touring. I rode my Classic Tourer across the US as well as throught the Southwest and British Columbia

I forgot to add, throughout Washington, Idaho, Oregon and the Peoples Socialist State of California
My 07 Classic was a great touring machine once I got a Clearview windscreen, Corbin seat and detachable saddlebags. To me the stock seat was rubbish with the stock windscreen creating way too much buffeting from both under and over the screen. The Clearview fixed that.

A Tnrottlemeister too was a great help for long distance touring. I rode my Classic Tourer across the US as well as throught the Southwest and British Columbia

I forgot to add, throughout Washington, Idaho, Oregon and the Peoples Socialist State of California
will look into these improvements; also wouldn't mind adding some tunes
ST600 Platinum Motorcycle Speaker System
@Lemieuxfan I have ridden several long days, (my uncle lives in Maury County TN which is just under 700 miles from my place in VA), I do that ride right at 10 hours in the full heat of summer with no worries on my 2014 R3T.
@Joesmoe mentioned me above and I now have 54K miles on the bike. The touring seat is different than yours, but as mentioned, I love the BeadRider in the hot months. I rode to Sterns, KY for RAA East 2018 a few months ago at 530 miles from the house, again, no worries for the long distance one day ride. My longest ride was from here to Denver in 33 hours 1700 miles, but I did take an 8 hour break over night.
I too would like a sixth gear as I usually ride around 80-85 mph, the bike just feels good at the speed.
For ergonomics, my opinion is the stock bike fits me well. I am 5' 9" and weight between 210 and 245 (seasonal changes you know), the stock windscreen fits my noggin height quite well.
I did not want a luxury bike when I bought this one new. I wanted a bike that would be my daily ride, my two-up weekend getaway and if I got a wild hair and wanted to go coast to coast, it would do the job. The R3T fit the bill well. When I look at the fancier bikes, I see them as just having more problems to fix down the road with all their artsy-fartsy gadgetry.
Back in 2015 I think, I spent a full day on a 2007 Classic Tourer down in Arizona, I seemed to like it quite a bit as well. It had a layer of wool on the seat which made all the difference in the world for that hot environment. (Thanks again @TURBO200R4 for allowing me that break from my work then).
We are two different people of course with different views on what is best for each of us, I hope my experience is of value to you.
yeah savannah, GA was hot a plenty last week that with the heat of this motor can kinda bake your brain..the 6th gear would be awesome to bring the revs down sometimes its like its the fine tune hum the bike puts out about 80-85mph I wear ear plugs under the full face seems to help. The riding position with the pegs (I also have boards) but their position with the bars makes you more comfortable leaning in 'burt monroe' style from fastest indian movie.
The Rocket is not what i would call a luxury bike. It is what it is. A big bike with a lot of grunt. One of the reasons i went with the Rocket. At 60 years old not ready for the rocking chair or a luxury liner motorcycle. Maybe a few years down the line mite think about it. Then again (mites are found where):roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:

Pretty much my thoughts, and mine is a Touring. I've done many 600-700 mile days on mine, heck, I've done 500+ days on a 1978 CB750. It's comfortable, but there are way better long distance bikes.. Last couple years I show up at the Rocket gatherings on a BMW. I love mine, a 2010, but I feel it was at least 10-15 years behind the times the day it rolled off the production line.
Honestly the R3 is about as close as I think you can get to a true Grand Tourer. SILLY big engine - more than adequate torque and power. Remarkably nimble. But it is NOT refined and is devoid of "Luxury". Sort of like a Sports Tank. Or a Racing Lorry. It is also for the real Iron-Butt guys a bit too dependant on fuelstop frequency. Comfort and Riding position is a VERY subjective issue. Sat in one position without moving for 2 hours and my muscles freeze up - Even watching the TV.
No disrespect intended, but please consider keeping your music of choice within your helmet and not blast it out at all those around you like some inconsiderate punks do with their loud car systems.
Also, your wearing of earplugs under your full face helmet seems to be counterproductive to the listening of music?
I'm scheduled to install Rivco risers, to hopefully be more upright, putting less pressure on my palms, and gain more benefit from my backrest.

Thanks for reminding me Paul. I also installed Rivco risers on my Classic and switched to the standard bars. The Classic Tourer had some kind of odd pull back bars that were not to my liking. The previous owner installed risers on my Touring prior to my purchasing it.