Hello Brad and welcome from VA. I have an R3T and am 5' 9" as well. If you ride a Roadstar now, this will not be a big transition for you I think. Get it and learn it.
Welcome Brad. Your among a pretty good bunch of guys to get a straight answer. I find the more risks a person takes, the more willing the are to tell the truth.
Id like to try a lot of bikes but I can't afford to. I've looked at the few Rockets on Craigslist and wanted one that already had the blacked out engine. I wish the 2010 had ABS. This dealership owned offer is definitely one I want to jump on.
the ABS option is great and I have used it a couple of times. Maybe I do take a risk once in awhile... Still, any Rocket year will still be managable once you ride it and understand its groove. The bike is very forgiving as long as you don't challenge the laws of physics too much.
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Holy Moly...I thought I might be the oldest Rocket Captain at 68 (I'll turn 69 in about three weeks), but 70 has me beat. About two weeks before I traded my Victory Kingpin in on my R3T, I dropped it twice...on the same day. Never dropped it before and didn't drop it afterwards. The culprit for the drops was my low intelligence. However, this 68 year old man did a 640 pound deadlift twice that day. I was embarrassed enough at dropping my bike and was determined that my "laughing their butts off" buddies were not going to help me. I don't have any misgivings about being able to lift my Rocket all by myself. I'll call my wife and she can come lift it.

Me thinks tis NOT the 70 years.
Herman @TURBO200R4 rides darn well and has had some serious medical issues to boot! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
AT 69, I have DEFINITELY slowed down due to diminishing skills compared to back when I entered my sixties.
"Use it or lose it" applies to riding skills as well as fornicating! :eek:
Hi Tirawley

Rockets are heavy bikes and low speed maneuvering (pushing it round the garage mainly) can be difficult. But the second you get them past crawling speed they simply shed their weight. I've ridden a few lighter bikes that feel much heavier especially in their cornering and general handling. They are very well thought out bikes.

I've lost control of mine twice on the move, once was daydreaming and ran off the road, down a bank and into some trees, and once at about 100kph (60mph) when the council had resealed over the peak of a hill, on a curve without roadsigns:thumbsdown: (that time I think a bit of poo came out). When they do get out of hand they are unmanageable but pretty much any big cruiser is.

At the end of the day these things handle and move better than they have any right too. Get one, you will not be disappointed
Hi Tirawley, I've had my Rocket for a little while and like you my biggest concern was the weight and size of it. I'm not stupid enough to say I've mastered it but after a couple of weeks of practice I have learned how to handle it at low speed and to think carefully about parking. It's more the size of the brain than the body with these things. But, I absolutely love it. Best fun bike I've ever had. Welcome to the forum mate.