In Ken****y the other guy can cross the center line and run you off the road and not be charged unless he makes contact. Did you hit him? And you said he was drunk, so they caught him?
In Ken****y the other guy can cross the center line and run you off the road and not be charged unless he makes contact. Did you hit him? And you said he was drunk, so they caught him?
I have to laught or maybe I should say cringe every time I see people get all the leather jacket, Kevlar pants and full face helmet and then ride with no gloves, what is wrong with these people 90% of us use our hand every day in our jobs you can still work with a bit of gravel rash elsewhere but not when half your hand is ground down to bone ..... just think of it what is the first thing you do when you fall/come off your bike ........ you stretch out your hand to break your fall
I'm with you. I'm in IT so my hands and brain must function at all times. The three pieces of gear you will never see me without is gloves and brain bucket and my armored jeans. I can deal with a bit of road rash but I needs my hands, my brain and my dangly bits intact so I wrap'em in kevlar!