I have the Powerbronze and actually like it now. It's clear so is hidden better and less noticeable. At freeway speeds it's adequate I guess. The OEM looks so much better but over 55 mph you get hammered. If you keep it under 85 mph this set up is acceptable but not great. I don't think any of them are from what I hear.
Glad it didn't disintegrate. It's useful for what it is and as I said I would probably buy another based on aesthetics and function. Not great on either but decent enough for me.
I have the Powerbronze and actually like it now. It's clear so is hidden better and less noticeable. At freeway speeds it's adequate I guess. The OEM looks so much better but over 55 mph you get hammered. If you keep it under 85 mph this set up is acceptable but not great. I don't think any of them are from what I hear.
Not adjustable. It's the mid size screen. I'm use to it and I don't really want a larger one so it will do. At 5'9" it really does make most of the wind go over my head. As the speed increases the windshield flexes and at 85 to 90 it starts slowly bending downwards and I get it in the face around 95 mph on up but never in the chest. It's too bad the OEM isn't much good for over 65 mph but it does look really good on the Rocket. I think a bigger windshield looks out of sorts on the Rocket but if you're a touring guy it's probably the way to go. I ***** and moan about this windshield but like I said when this one goes I'll probably get another one. Cheers.