Thank you !!!

Had my daughter, and her friend staying with us -- both women engineering students repeat the process. Screwed up the first repeat because I let the chain get caught on the wrong side of the one of the bolts on the intake cam gear. So took the tool back off, rotated the intake cam all the way around again, this time holding the chain up, and reset the timing marks, replaced the tool, and tightened the cam chain tensioner. Then I turned the motor two revolutions, and the timing looked ok, though there appears to be some lash up. Did again, and did it a third time.
As near as I can tell, I'm a tad before top dead center. I wouldn't think that would be enough to be off one tooth, and there is enough movement available in the dot to move it one way or the other a dot's width, and not change the cams.
Is there another check, like reconciling one's checkbook (dating myself) ?