Installation of Neville Lush Racing "street" cams in 2014 Rocket III Touring

Removed the throttle bodies, and while I haven't yet found anything definitive about the bike acting up, I'm sure glad I did this, as I had noticed oil leaking behind the bodies, and sure enough, with the bodies off, saw where I had in the blind unseated the valve cover gasket. (gasket has been re-seated in the photos)

Lesson: If doing anything involving removing the valve cover, I will ALWAYS remove the throttle bodies to have necessary visibility when reseating the valve cover.

I wish I knew. Still pondering.

The working theory, in absence of the more likely suspects, is the internal linkage in the throttle bodies, somehow creating a lag or mismatch between the stepper motor action on the throttle cam at the front of the bodies and the primary throttle position sensor at the rear of the bodies.
The bike now runs as expected.

News at 11

Well, I'm "expecting" it will run insanely faster than before you installed those new cams .
Good God, man, just roll her out of the shed already and crack the throttle. We're 28 pages into this novela and want to know how it ends.
Just mess'n with ya, but, really, - Rider's report?
All in due time. Will likely be another month or so -- as I really don't want to put her through the paces until the dynamometer results have been incorporated.

The plan all along was to replace the cams, install the Power Commander III, perform the performance tune, back from that, import the PC-3 trim tables into the current map via TuneECU, and reflash.

So we're just near the end (and belatedly) of the 'replace the cams' milestone. When I first started this, it was suggested if I took my time, I would have this done in a day.