Inexperienced passengers and bad habits

And where is this dealership? I'm thinking a test ride and instruction might be in the future!
I have to say that my wife WAS a good pillion at one time. She would lean and flow into turns, anticipate and not knock heads when stopping, and not complain about my driving.

That all changed after she took her MSF class and got her license. Now she is just an awful pillion. Constantly informing me about obstacles in the road, engaging the speed control device (a hard pinch to my love handles), and counter steering ME through corners. We avoid riding two up whenever we can.

She likes to ride.

You of all people know the two most dangerous things to have in an airplane are two pilots/captains. Looks like that holds true to motorcycles!

Hey ime liking this chipmunk!!
Yep there a bunch of OMF's but there good folks and we over look alit of there bullbull
Anyway welcome to the zoo

Was that a not too cryptic poke at the 1olbull, Miss Va-J-J?

Good story, but you gave @RKTNMYPKT a chubby!!!