Inexperienced passengers and bad habits

Leaning round to tell you something while stopped at lights is a good one, especially if your foot on that side is up on the brake or selecting a gear.
An overnourished friend of ours standing with her full weight on the left passenger board while asking me exactly how she should finish mounting the bike....JUST SIT DOWN YOU SILLY HEIFER!! **** near dropped her and the bike
Im going to use that " Over nourished " haha fkn funny sheet right there
I have a friend, Cindy, I've known since grammar school, she's no more than 5' 5"", she was a cheerleader in high school. I gave you that background to put in perspective meeting her 30+ years later, and my reaction to seeing her, over 400 lbs, conservatively, I'm sure my jaw dropped visibly, I couldn't help it. She wanted a ride on the bike, I never considered her weight, she pulled me right over trying to get on. I made her get on with the kickstand down, we went to lunch with some friends. Time to get on again, I thought, hell, I can do this. Absolutely no way, I was braced with all my strength and 100% ready. Nope, Charles Atlas couldn't have held that bike up, pulled it over again, she actually grabbed the front handlebars trying to get her leg over, never had anyone do that before.

She had the stomach surgery, lost 160 lbs, then a second surgery to remove lord knows how much extra skin, and well, it was hard to notice, she was still obese, so I can't really imagine what her peak weight was, sad really, I can't see how she can live very long that big.
Semi-related note. My boyfriend, when we had been dating about a month, told me one morning that we had moved the R3 to the other side of his driveway the night before so that he could get the compressor out of the garage. Almost blew as gasket, then told him that I love the R3 more than anything else and to pllleeeaaaasse let me know before touching it again.

Not my husband, not your property, folks. Most of the time, I only want people to touch my bikes if they are getting on it to go somewhere with me. Ah.... cathartic venting. feels good.
Semi-related note. My boyfriend, when we had been dating about a month, told me one morning that we had moved the R3 to the other side of his driveway the night before so that he could get the compressor out of the garage. Almost blew as gasket, then told him that I love the R3 more than anything else and to pllleeeaaaasse let me know before touching it again.

Not my husband, not your property, folks. Most of the time, I only want people to touch my bikes if they are getting on it to go somewhere with me. Ah.... cathartic venting. feels good.

Nothing in nature quite as fearsome as mother protecting her young.....:roll:
Semi-related note. My boyfriend, when we had been dating about a month, told me one morning that we had moved the R3 to the other side of his driveway the night before so that he could get the compressor out of the garage. Almost blew as gasket, then told him that I love the R3 more than anything else and to pllleeeaaaasse let me know before touching it again.

Not my husband, not your property, folks. Most of the time, I only want people to touch my bikes if they are getting on it to go somewhere with me. Ah.... cathartic venting. feels good.
Im sorry call me a dumb Aussie but im confused reading some of your posts, so far you have a husband, a boyfriend and a girlfriend........ what sort of funny buisness is going on here ?