Inexpensive Starter Replacement

Nice pix!
Thanks for posting them.
Joe i got the same one today, and from the same place, how did this starter work out for you? "Thanks and "Be Safe!
I "may" be starting my rocket up tomorrow with the same starter, will report on how it does vs my very hard to start motor
Thanks for the info "big guy" i will be installing mine when the weather becomes fitting. "Be Safe!
The upgraded starter is a MONSTER lol. Turns it over sooooo much faster than the stocker, fires right up.

Well worth the switch.

I also installed a 2nd batter, and 4 gauge leads additional to the stockers for both positive and negative.
hyper little starter lol

When/If you do, its $400+ to buy the stock part, this one is like $80 and does a much better job of starting the bike.

The added compression and higher rate springs to suite the bigger cam exacerbate any slight battery issue into a non-start.

I'm trying to edit a video real quick so you can hear the difference, sounds like a little GSXR600 spinning the starter, its ridiculously fast.
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The upgraded starter is a MONSTER lol. Turns it over sooooo much faster than the stocker, fires right up.

Well worth the switch.

I also installed a 2nd batter, and 4 gauge leads additional to the stockers for both positive and negative.

Can you confirm the part number and source of the starter you used?