I did the double up on the neg cable, cleaned all connections on all switches, battery, starter, removed key switch tested and evaluated it, all plugs and connectors , safety switches Associated with the starter circuit and replaced the relay!!
All helped but none of the above totally fixed it!! 2 1/2 years chasing this ghost.
Replaced all the solenoid parts and bam have not had one hiccup since, and the starter spins twice as fast as it ever did even when brand new!!
I bought the starter listed in this article used all the parts that fit into it.
I did it this way just Incase it was not the solenoid, I’d replace the whole starter.
The only issue would be the connector for the Solenoid is 180 degrees out from the oem starter. I’m sure I could Remedy
That, it’s Epoxied into the starter.
So, you used the solenoid parts from the new starter to rebuild your old one? Good to know.