Inexpensive Starter Replacement

So, you used the solenoid parts from the new starter to rebuild your old one? Good to know.


Switches are good, cable connections are good, relay looks fine (housing is NOT drooping and blades aren't corroded).

I wouldn't trust anyone that said it was an "ironclad" guarantee.
But, there is a LOT of great info and brilliant minds on here.

Rebuilding the solenoid is my conundrum. My header, and crossover, is wrapped. So, just swapping the motor sounds like a nice option.

Didn't figure it would hurt to find out (and document) if anyone's replaced the motor and still needed to rebuild the solenoid.
for what it is worth if u have the space u can leave the nose of the starter bolted and just remove the motor (two long bolts and cable/connector.)
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I think the achilles’ heel to the starter is crappy solenoid components, the starter itself is well made.
I also think that because of the size of the engine any small weak spot In the starting system and you have an issue.

I had all kinds of arcing,slag all over the inside of the solenoid. Not corrosion from the elements. My bike is always stored inside only been in the rain once or twice.
Replaced the motor last night. Very easy job!
Spins quick and strong.
Sounds like that 2.3L doesn't have a choice. It's GONNA start or the 1.4kw is gonna take it to the shed.

Put the rest of the starter back in the box and on the shelf. If I have any more clicks I'll use the guts to rebuild the solenoid. Hopefully I won't have any more clicks.
@R3T-Too Good luck, I plan on doing this soon myself, now that it is getting warm enough to lay on the pavement...
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Same here. It's in the box just waiting for me to get off my duff. Bike is up on the Becker stand w/castors.
I've had a click twice, so I will be changing parts on the solenoid.
It isn't a the bike in gear.. click....pull in the clutch get a bit of movement, let out the clutch...and start.
It's just been click...start. So I'm pretty happy with that.

What parts from the solenoid did you replace? Posts/contacts and plunger? Anything else?


If I remember correctly everything but the plunger shaft as it was longer. It’s pretty self explanatory what will work.
Well I dug into the solenoid last night to replace the contacts with the ones from the 1.4kw starter assy listed on the first page sourced from

The contact for the motor lead is NOT compatible.
I would recommend buying the rebuild kit for $20.
The OEM contact is asymmetrical, while the contact on the replacement starter is symmetric. See pics.

I cleaned and lightly sanded the worn areas and figure everything will work better for a good while.
**Edit: I ended up filing the contacts down to a nice CLEAN surface area before my kit came in. I've had perfect operation for almost 4 weeks now**



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