Inexpensive Starter Replacement

Raise the bike, disconnect the black battery lead, remove the chrome pipe covers and pipes. If you have a three piper take off whatever is there. Remove two bolts on the portion that is bolted to the motor. Push the edge of the connector pin and remove. Remove power cable and wrestle the whole thing out. Here you can service the thing. There was no bleeding. If I could figure it out, you can. Took me 90 minutes.

Ahhhh, some times I like this Rocket a lot.
Had to replace a bad battery last year and it solved it for a while, doubling up on the ground made it happen less frequently. But I'm tired of getting the click.

I've read the thread and understand the correct PN and don't have any problem with the work.

Just one question.
Has anyone changed just the motor and still had the click?

I just replaced the gut and no issues since. Even running on the original battery still.
I just replaced the gut and no issues since. Even running on the original battery still.

All the posts seem positive on the swap. But, the doubling up on the cables was pretty well regarded too.

Hoping to get a full consensus. But, if there's a swap that didn't fix it I'd like to know.
Then maybe just order the solenoid rebuild kit and do all the work at once.

I did the double up on the neg cable, cleaned all connections on all switches, battery, starter, removed key switch tested and evaluated it, all plugs and connectors , safety switches Associated with the starter circuit and replaced the relay!!
All helped but none of the above totally fixed it!! 2 1/2 years chasing this ghost.
Replaced all the solenoid parts and bam have not had one hiccup since, and the starter spins twice as fast as it ever did even when brand new!!

I bought the starter listed in this article used all the parts that fit into it.
I did it this way just Incase it was not the solenoid, I’d replace the whole starter.

The only issue would be the connector for the Solenoid is 180 degrees out from the oem starter. I’m sure I could Remedy
That, it’s Epoxied into the starter.
it seems that you want an iron clad guarantee but the only way that could happen is to measure volts on the starter solenoid connector while having the problem.
what we usually do is buy a rebuilt starter (and we know they always work) and use the nose off the old one.
if u spend any money at all on your bike it should be starter upgrade.
list of things it could be
starter/solenoid ,starter button,kickstand switch,clutch lever switch,ecu,ign switch.connections and wires and battery.
and of coarse the little varmint that fixed mine for me. like where did that inch of wire go.