Indicators Not Functioning

@DEcosse I appreciate your response. I'll go see what I can learn with your tests. I have verified that fuse number 4 is still good. The tests that I did before still had some of the bulbs in fixtures, so I will assume that that was the reason I was getting continuity to ground inside of the fixture. I will note that I do not have your keyless system, and the fixtures on the front of my bike are aftermarket and from a suspicious source that I suspect may have cheaped out on the quality of parts. I will inspect them thoroughly as well.
The fuse 4 reference is purely in regard to AFTER you short the terminals in the alarm connector if you get none lighting and a shorted connector blew it

We blew the fuse with gusto. Does that guarantee a short in the circuit somewhere or are there other things that I should check? If it's a short, where should I begin looking?
Then you definitely have a short at one (or more) of the sockets
It is almost certainly directly in one of the sockets, possibly even multiples since you have been pulling/plugging bulbs - I would not even bother looking for an external wiring short
(also note that the Instrument panel supply is double isolated from this method - 1) the turn switch is in the neutral (off) position 2) even if it wasn't, the diode would be reverse biased so current can't flow back that way) i.e. it's not an instrument fault that is blowing it*
* well technically, the part of the instruments that ARE still connected are the Indicator lights - highly unlikely that is causing the issue
Did I mention it was likely to be in the socket(s)

Incidentally did you try 7 AND 8? (with new fuse accordingly) If that blew for both circuits then you have AT LEAST one on each side (whether front or rear) that is shorted; if you then test the opposite side and that does not blow fuse, then you are down to just two sockets in question

You can also go with this approach - disconnect all four of the lights at their harness connectors; replace fuse, perform test again with jumper (it presumably should NOT blow - please advise if it does!!)
Then plug each lamp in one at a time and validate good or bad (remember that only one side - but both front and rear on that side - will work for the 7 position and the opposite side for the 8)
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I found the short pretty quickly after the last post. I have to adjust my auxiliary headlights down to remove my windshield, which I was going to do for convenience this time around. Putting the windshield on coincided with the beginning of this issue. When I pulled the aux headlights down this time it felt like it bound up a little and so I tried the indicator and it worked.
The wires came out of the hollow bolt that attaches the indicator to the light bar and were pinched in the location I'm pointing to in the pictures. I drilled new holes in the backs of the fixtures and used some wire grommets to try to waterproof a little. I think the new look is good.
Thanks to all that helped, I am once again humbled by everyone's willingness to help.

Yer a good son - you dog!
Ken IS da man!