Impossible to lay a rocket down!

I've always been taught, keep it up and stay with the bike at all costs, if possible. Now I know if someone pulls out to do the left-hand turn in front of me, well, I'm probably going over their hood as the bike slams into their front fender. Aside from that, though, all the instructors I have had over the years always say the same thing - keep it up, stay with the bike.

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You Know.....Theory is ok but till you have been in that same situation and rerun it a thousand times in your head, you can only hope the theory is correct. Now that he has been in that situation, chances are he will automatically understand what to do should he have to do it again....
Any flat spots in the tyres? - Necklacing is an excellent deterrent to repetition. Why just chuck them?

Just went and had a look........ the tyre is half worn anyway but can't see anything, it is my daily ride to work so done maybe 500klms since.

Funny you should say that I have been practicing my stopping every day since and have noticed the difference, watched a video online somewhere a work mate gave me where a bloke shows you how to slam the breaks on with out locking it up and he says the same thing as you practice makes perfect. Been riding 35 years and never ever practiced emergency stopping before!
Spot on my goodman, easy all of us telling MrRoscoe what he should do but until you are faced with the same situation you never know, but everyone please practice your braking. short, treat every "WEIRD" incident as a lesson!..Ride with your eyes and your's awesome to relax and suck in the fresh air, but keep watching and thinking....if your inner self says "dont"...then dont.