Found out a couple of weeks ago you can not lay a rocket down. I was 2 minutes from work and a car pulls out of side street on me. I was doing approx 70klms/hr and accelerating....... I Knew I was going to hit the car so I Got it sideways and thought best bet was to lay it down on it's side would be better than a front on impact.
I had a work mate behind me he reckons I slid for close to 100 meters and fighting with the bike trying to lay it down on its side...... I just slid crossed up like a motocross rider and stopped some 2 inches from the drivers door upright. Was surprised how well it came to a halt let alone that I missed him and I hadn't bit the dirt! I glared at him through a very dark tinted window and was about to slap my steel bar end through it when he decided as I hadn't hit him he was getting the hell out of there, thing is, I know where he works near me!!!
So thankfully I didn't lay it down, just ended up with some seriously pulled muscles in my back shoulders and left leg from fighting with the bike, I think it wanted to high side me! Anyway toddled off to buy a lotto ticket but didn't win!.