I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

HAS anyone here ever had to carry extra gas on a trip with the ROCKET ?
HAD TOO - implies running out. In many respects ALMOST and NOT KNOWING are a worse experience.

Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt far outweigh Anger or feeling annoyed at oneself.
Some of the posts in this thread show one or two have just made it by sheer luck of the off ramp being downhill.

I purchased the R3 to do long hauls fast. Often illegally fast as it happens - but that's my choice.
Actually very much with the Spain->UK "ferry ports" in mind. They are 450kms away.

If I had to go via France to the UK there is no way on earth I would set off without a 10L reserve - because I have no idea where fuel stops are.
And if convince my mate to come to Romania with me - maybe even 20L.
I speak English, German, Spanish fluently and can cope in French and Italian. But Serbian, Romanian, Bulgarian . well no.
Living in the US or OZ you cannot maybe imagine the extra hassle this is. Anyway I digress.

I came REAL CLOSE to HAD TOO last year in April coming home from the UK ferry.
And will be doing EVERYTHING possible to avoid a repetition Monday next week doing the same run.
And wish I'd had a few litres extra with me. This year I will. 5L-ish.

I was pushing a little harder than normal (500rpms more) and the impact on consumption took me seriously by surprise. 4000rpm vs normal 3500rpm.
Was really early, a Sunday - not all fuel places are open 24*7 and on the stretch the light came on - there are none at all.
No traffic - so no help from anybody if you run out - but no police either.
It's not as big a deal if you travel with others or the road is well traffic'd.

Thing is when this happens - you are in the dark - The light came on 40-50 kms earlier than usual, and 40-50 kms from next fuel stop.
I know exactly where all the highway fuel stops are - I do the run at least once a year (usually twice) - often in the car though.
All sorts of **** goes though your head - is it the sensor? - is it a leak? - it was a 25% increase in "reported (light on) consumption" after a 110miles at constant speed.

With the FuelBot fuel gauge on - I know have a second point of reference so will be able to keep tabs. imo - this is a must have add on for Distance Riding.

I slowed down to see if it was just speed rated consumption - It was an unpleasant 40-50kms - Amongst other things it also started to rain hard.
When I got to first stop - which was just opening - I was about 1/2 litre from dry. Under normal circumstances I would have arrived with about 5L left.

It scared me so much I made an additional "just in case" stop afterwards too - even though the light had not come on. I was riding with my jaw clenched so hard I cracked a molar.
I was feeling generally negative - I'd left the UK with my dad still in hospital - but had to return home. 2 weeks later I returned to the UK because he'd passed away.
It all adds up, Art. We're not ALWAYS able to use a bike when we're at our best. If it had been the outward run to the ferry - I'd have been extra nervous about missing it too.
If I miss the ferry - would be maybe weeks before there's a free place. If that happens it's another 500kms home to cancel my holidays.

So all in all - I'd rather have a reserve and feel safe that that risk is covered. And I think really that's what most of us after more capacity are saying.

If you don't need it or don't worry about it - then (seriously) good for you.
Thanks for the science refresher, Ishrub. I know, I can use it. No static here.

Truer words have never been spoken.

Can you say "Hindenburg" ?

I was watching when folks who were supposed to know what they were doing went to refuel a C5-A Galaxy; a spark, guys running for the fire extinguishers, then running away as the plane burnt to the ground.

Another time, a guy in the gas station refueling his car, and the stream of fuel caught fire and the man was engulfed in flames. Despite quick reacting folks who tried to roll the man on the ground to put out the flame, he died right there on the concrete.
These are the ones I've been looking at in addition to a small 12v fuel pump rigged to a toggle switch
Tour Tank Motorcycle Auxiliary Fuel Tanks

Apologies for being so late to this thread but, behind the rear axle and so high above the CG is NO GOOD, IMO.
Additionally, sloshing fuel will further exacerbate the handling, braking and stability issues.

A little spare fuel would correct this problem.
YEP its so slippery it gives you better mileage and top speed thats why we use it on the TRIUMPH STREAMLINER and it keeps the salt from sticking and makes it easy to keep clean

I've just started reading their archive of wisdom. Good stuff. I wasn't aware that on days 3-7 most people can only physically handle 65% of the distance that they could on their first day. Good to know.

This is found obvious for one who has done a lot of long distance touring via daily riding.

This "more gas" thingy is moot.
Regardless of the capacity, you need to manage your fuel!
A station stop can be done in 5 min or less, using a card.
When I carry extra fuel, it is used by others with me who did not properly manage their fuel.
I know the tank mileage of the worst mileage bike and make fuel stops that are appropriate.
I bought one of these already.

Fuel Bottle Petroleum Gasoline Fuel Bottle Tank Fuel Can 1000ml
AUD$12.72 (US$10) delivered

Fuel Bottle Petroleum Gasoline Fuel Bottle Tank Fuel Can 1000ml(No Fuel) O5U8

I got one of these - it sucks because the nozzle is so small it pukes back into your face when filling at the pump!