Now, after reading his last comment, about 16,000 gas stations in the State of Texas, I'm beginning "to see" what some have said about IMFASTTOO...... What difference does the total number of gas stations in the state make, if you live in, or are driving through, a remote area of the state, where the density of gas stations is sparce, and long stretches where the presence of gas stations is scarce??? Absolutely no logic from him at all. I've never run out of gas, ( and I don't intend to --- fingers crossed ). Running out of gas is not some "rite of passage" to be proud of. Try entering a 111 mile stretch with 98 miles worth of fuel, ( having that sinking feeling, that you should've topped off at the last gas station you passed ), and see how you feel, even when you make it? That's no fun, even when you're victorious in the end.