I'm dreaming of an 8 gallon tank...

Now, after reading his last comment, about 16,000 gas stations in the State of Texas, I'm beginning "to see" what some have said about IMFASTTOO...... What difference does the total number of gas stations in the state make, if you live in, or are driving through, a remote area of the state, where the density of gas stations is sparce, and long stretches where the presence of gas stations is scarce??? Absolutely no logic from him at all. I've never run out of gas, ( and I don't intend to --- fingers crossed ). Running out of gas is not some "rite of passage" to be proud of. Try entering a 111 mile stretch with 98 miles worth of fuel, ( having that sinking feeling, that you should've topped off at the last gas station you passed ), and see how you feel, even when you make it? That's no fun, even when you're victorious in the end.
usually plan my trip for the ride, don't plan on fuel station availability so keep an eye on it and the next station, have run out before(not on r3)it sucks. bigger tank, more fuel makes a lot of sense.most fuel stations out of the so called 16,000 are in town guess, we can be like the Harley owners and ride 20 miles between bars then do it again next weekend
"Breeze".... You are exactly right. You hit the nail on the head. All of us don't take short rides, on loud bikes, between mostly in-town bars. A hop, a skip, and a jump apart, with so many "urban", and "suburban" gas stations all around you. The Harley Hop..... No problem running out of gas in those scenarios. No big deal in those neighborhoods. Just a short walk. Or a buddy, or a pal...... Nope. I'm talking about riding in desolate areas. Where the word "rural" is spelled in all caps... ( RURAL )
Try Highway 50 across northern Nevada. Its been a long time, but I remember thinking that's what it must be like on the moon.
I'd like to try that road GPMAZ. Hopefully, I'll get the chance one day. Like a moonscape, huh? For now, I guess I'll just have to look it up. Any landmarks, or noteworthy attractions along that route? Or nearby?
Try Highway 50 across northern Nevada. Its been a long time, but I remember thinking that's what it must be like on the moon.
don't they call that the loneliest highway? with the famous shoe tree?
It's all those things. It can be real easy to get in trouble with your speed. Make sure and turn it down a notch when you come close to the small towns. I believe we are the major source of revenue in those areas. I've ridden it and 80 and have to say I prefer 50 to the superslab 80 has become. Speed limit is 75 mph on US80 trough most of the state. I believe US50 is 65. I'd love to ride it with you.
Hey there BigNorm.... Doing the speed limit on Route 50 would be a real challenge. I'm sure I'd have difficulty doing that. The benefits? Seeing more, and seeing less. More scenery, but fewer badges and no flashing lights. But, the biggest benefit of all? Much better gas mileage @ 65mph.... ( chuckle-chuckle ).... Couldn't help myself. And, here's one more thing. Maybe sometime in 2017, after the big Texas, "Twisted Sisters" ride this October, a few of us could tackle Nevada's Route 50? Obviously, not limited to Texas folks. Now that's a big dream. Rockets could come from all over. And, it would be "safe" and "fun", cause we'd all be there for each other. Even a small group of us would be great. Even if it were just 4 or 5 of us. It's a serious ride. Not a play session, and very far away, just to get to the ride itself. Lots of miles involved for just about everyone, ( unless we've got any Rocket owners already living out there ). I know, I will do it someday. Wife on the back, or alone.