I'm a new 2005 rocket 3 owner from pa

Welcome from sunny SoCal. the R3 is the perfect blank canvas. The motor can be quantifiably tweaked any number of ways, and there is enough stock HP and torque to carry 2 metric tons of aftermarket chrome, electronics and tshotshke without taxing the engine.
G'day and welcome.

You can use a free (or minimal charge for a Droid) programme called TuneECU to put a tune into the ECU of the bike without using the Power Commander. There are tunes available for just about every configuration, but we would need to know what pipes and filters you are running, as well as any other mods. Even if you don't use this software to alter the tune, it is the most useful thing you will ever get for your bike.
it has stock airfilter and I believe stock pipes I found the triumph badge on the back of the pipes..so I'm assuming all stock set up for this 2005 bike
Welcome from sunny SoCal. the R3 is the perfect blank canvas. The motor can be quantifiably tweaked any number of ways, and there is enough stock HP and torque to carry 2 metric tons of aftermarket chrome, electronics and tchotchkes without taxing the engine.

Hope you don't mind the small correction from a New Yorker. We're more familiar with Yiddish than most, FR56.;)

For all others: Tchotchke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, prounounced "Chachskuhs"

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