ignition switch issue

Think I'm going to take it off the road and go through the entire wiring harness? It's a pain in the arse as it's my only transport ATM but hayho needs must
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I have a Touring, but might be the same for you. There are two main cables coming off of the positive battery terminal. The one that runs down along the side near the side cover shorted out on the frame on me and gave my instrument panel the fits. And intermittent stalling when riding and such.
Just keep plugging and you will find it. A pain, none the less. Hope you get it figured sooner than later!
I would advise against installing that eb at this time it will do nothing to solve the problem and make things worse if you make a mistake.
The wire that starmanut was talking may be your problem also if your bike has that wire with connector.
If your bike has that I would cut the connector out and soldier the wire together. There may be a connector on a negative side that I cut an soldiered on mine.
Right on. I think this is the wire Turbo is talking about:

You can see the tape around it. But my OCD had me go back and install a new plug on it later.

Also check this. Done by a previous owner. I think this runs to the ignition. The white wire has been bypassed:
Hi all.
Been a crazy week so after 5 days finally got some time to take another look at it.
So I've checked the second positive cable running down the side it looks fine with no signs of shorting about to have a look for that plug and bypass the negative if it's there (I'm assuming it's under the tank on the nearside going by the photo?)
Ignor my last post I find it it's the main plug for this ignition switch and it dose look like that white/blue wire has got hot now doing the bypass


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... Also checked the secondary cable coming from the positive battery terminal but it looks fine no sign of shorting.
It would not nessasary be shorting but might be corroded not letting the full voltage through .
Ok turbo I will check and put a new ring terminal on it while I'm at it.
I've done the bypass and taken it out for a quick blat seems ok ATM so hopefully that has fixed it