Ignition relocation options


.020 Over
Jun 14, 2006
After purchasing the Rivco ignition relocation kit I started to think about leaving the original tumbler set up where it is considering I still like the limited security that the fork lock still gives (granted it isn’t much but it is better then nothing.) I decided I would purchase a new ignition key set up for the relocation spot. Has anyone researched buying a new assembly? I thought someone had addressed parts of this issue, but I cannot seem to find that thread. My main questions are:
1) Can it be purchased keyed alike to existing ignition key(s)
2) If not, can a decent locksmith change the tumbler to fit my existing keys (never saw the tumbler to see if it can be taken apart for repair or re-keying)
3) Can anyone find a better price then what the imbecile at the triumph counter quoted me at $160.00 (Of course he couldn't answer ANY, NOT EVEN ONE, of my other questions. I could have had a more intelligent conversation with Chimpanzee.

ANY help to any of my questions would be EXTREMELY appreciated. Thanks!
Bike bandit has then for $132.

A locksmith should be able to rekey the new ignition from your current key.

Why are you going to relocate the ignition if you have to still reach up there to lock and unlock the forks. You might save some bucks buying a disc lock and achieve the same thing.
I figured rather then going through the aggravation of trying to take out the security screws holding the original ignition switch and then trying conceal the empty space with what was supplied I'd keep it there and just pop in the new one I figured the saving on my labor would be somewhat offset the cost of the new ignition.

I already have and use a disk lock most of the time. But I appreciate the response. Now that I know the tumbler can be dismantled I know it can be re-keyed.