Ignition problem- Rocket III (2004)

Thanks for all tips. Still no effect though...
What's the easiest way to test ignition lock failure?
Thanks for all tips. Still no effect though...
What's the easiest way to test ignition lock failure?
And Just checking...there's not meant to be a fuse in this spot? If so....I have no idea when it could have popped out...


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Too simple, but thoroughly clean and then tighten ground wire at both ends, but ignition switch very likely, especially that early model. If loose, and about to go, you may get the controls to light up for a second while either turning the wheel (@TURBO200R4) or moving the harness where it enters the key switch, while it's turned on, of course. If not, you may have a broken wire inside the switch. I have the Roadster that @Gregger linked you to with the repair. Mine was intermittent at first, so I knew that was the problem before tearing into it. I think I know how, but someone more qualified can tell you how to check the wires to the switch for power (which ones, etc.)

If I had to bet money, the switch is your issue. Be sure to rewire it yourself or buy the kit to reroute the power to the lights away from the switch. I did it myself, cause I'm cheap, but I would just buy the darn kit next time from eastern beaver.

Too simple, but thoroughly clean and then tighten ground wire at both ends, but ignition switch very likely, especially that early model. If loose, and about to go, you may get the controls to light up for a second while either turning the wheel (@TURBO200R4) or moving the harness where it enters the key switch, while it's turned on, of course. If not, you may have a broken wire inside the switch. I have the Roadster that @Gregger linked you to with the repair. Mine was intermittent at first, so I knew that was the problem before tearing into it. I think I know how, but someone more qualified can tell you how to check the wires to the switch for power (which ones, etc.)

If I had to bet money, the switch is your issue. Be sure to rewire it yourself or buy the kit to reroute the power to the lights away from the switch. I did it myself, cause I'm cheap, but I would just buy the darn kit next time from eastern beaver.

I think everyone is assuming it's an ignition problem but it's an electrical problem. If you have a horn and headlights the ignition switch is working try to start with the kickstand up and if you have nothing on the instrument panel I would actually start diagnostics there and see why you have no power there and be careful don't connect and disconnect connections with battery terminals on or you can fry sensors like I did, big mistake, I had similar issue was the positive wire always hot to the instrument panel just fell off from disconnecting it plus cleaning with a solution of salt and vinegar and if you do that trick don't forget to neutralize with a solution of baking soda and water and dry good with contact cleaner and dielectric grease is your friend, on an older bike like an 04 I would think corrosion first bad connection. If you had everything else and instruments and slow or no crank I would increase use double positive wires to starter as when cold takes a lot of current to start the Beast and look at the ground at the motor. Good luck
if you can not use a volt meter then take it to a mechanic that can use a volt meter.