2022 Rocket GT -
I now have the time and the weather has turned winter the last couple days. I'm now tackling removing the fuel tank to replace the spark plugs and air filter.
I'm down to unplugging the fuel connector and being very careful to NOT break this plastic connection. I've lifted the tank to have access, slid the
connector lock tab as described, but the connection will NOT budge. I've cursed at it, rotated back and forth, rocking while pulling out with no luck.
I know to stop as I'm getting frustrated. I viewed a YouTube video on removing the tank, and the guy said he broke the connector first time trying.
Anybody have a suggestion? Argh, so close
Also, I've run the tank down to 1 - 1.5 gal? When I do get that connection released, will all this gas run out all over the floor? Or, is there a check valve to
prevent this.
Much appreciate you ideas,