Great job. Removing the upper triple tree seems a bit dramatic. I used a thin screwdriver to tap a slot into the soft breakaway bolts and simply screwed them out of the ignition switch. I also have a power port in the old key location. I used the top of a food can as a backer to the chrome cover.
I tried to get those bolts out without removing anything. Even after I took the top of the three off they would not budge so I drilled the buggers out. I am pretty good at this stuff as I have a metal working trade background. I reckon it was easier taking the top tree off. Good opportunity to polish those hard to get at paces - no that I did tho.
ok got it, for some reason the pix did not show up on my phone... Let me find out what is up with the 2nd backrest I ordered and we can work something out, if you still looking for one.
Good one mate. I think my bolts were too tight. I couldn't even get them out by tapping them even after the tree top was removed.
had to drill them out.
Only been like 8 months since I bought the harness, but I pulled my triples today to for powdercoating. Figured it on my makes sense to do it now while all the silver bits are being coated.
How did you mount the ignition barrel in the new location down there? Custom fab a metal bracket? If so, do you happen to have a pic anywhere?
Only been like 8 months since I bought the harness, but I pulled my triples today to for powdercoating. Figured it on my makes sense to do it now while all the silver bits are being coated.
How did you mount the ignition barrel in the new location down there? Custom fab a metal bracket? If so, do you happen to have a pic anywhere?
You are the man. Didn't know there is a bracket back there already lol. So excited to finally have everything I wanted done aside from the carp/nev engine work, next year that will come.
I have enough plugs and cable to make 7 more.
If you want one let me know. Prob about $40 AUD each for the extension plug only.
Takes me about half an hour to make each one.
Oh - Of course these leads will only work on the later model plugs.
And I must thank Les (Ozrider) for helping source the plugs