i have told myself to stay out of it but here i am.
u have been receiving advice from a lot of guys that know what they r doing
i think that u have it mucked up and i am going to try to explain some of the info u have received.
#1 with ignition off do u have the (approximate 5mm clearance between the stepper motor rod and the throttle roller?
i am going to assume that u have the clearance and if u do unplug the stepper motor connector.
(with ign off)
at this point the throttle plates should be resting against the throttle stop (which should never be touched unless u r a good mechanic)
assuming the throttle plates r on the stop and the stepper motor is disconnected
turn on ignition and set primary tps to 0.60 volts. then reconnect the stepper motor and see if it is close to 0.72 volts with
ignition on .
if u do this it should run correct if not post the results.