I will be test riding one of these!

I like the red one. Time will tell if the brand will stay this time. Too bad they did not figure out a way to make it water cooled. I'll keep my Rocket. It will stay until I can't handle the weight any more. Then I will reevaluate my need to ride and possibly go to a Dyna series Harley for around town rides, Etc.

They need to remove the eye candy at these event so we can see the goods.

Personally, I would test ride any of them ones in white.
I further agree that the metal "eye candy" be removed "so we can see the goods,"
Well, I watched the video, until they started talking about the speakers, and all the buttons, switches, etc. etc. I can see a few rear end collisions while looking at all the lights and gizmos. Too much money too. And that inline 4 is only 75 hp AT THE FLYWHEEL! Nope, I'll keep my $14999.00 Rocket, thank you Triumph. However, the photo is beautiful, bike just so so.
Read long interview with Polaris. They will keep Vic along with Indian.
Vic will get more modern over the years.

I was told that the Indian dealer in Daytona was supporting test rides this weekend, the 16th and 17th, on the new bike... he had 16 test bikes being supplied by Indian. Just an FYI
After watching the video...I would stay with Triumph. The gizmos don't bother me (ever see a Gold Wing dash?) but I have never liked that front "swepted back" front fender. It does have a lot of chrome and 111 cubic inches...that makes it still 29 fewer than the Rocket. The Indian brand name has come and gone so much in the last 15 years that even under the Polaris brand name I just don't hold much faith that it'll be around. Despite it being somewhat competitive with Harley pricewise it is still a lot of money to throw at a newly designed engine and bike designed around that engine...time will tell.

I've been going to the HOG (Harley Owners Group) meetings once a month when they hold them and say what you want but the chapter I belong to has a pretty good attendance (over 80 this past Saturday) and they do go out and ride their Hogs. Some are short rides, most are pretty long and they hold like 3 - 4 rides a week (must be nice to be retired to ride that much during the week) so they are a pretty active group and pretty loyal to their brand. Since I am a "motorcyclist" I am not that loyal to the HD brand...read...hardcore and I never went on their rides as I am comfortable riding by myself or with a small group (4 - 5 riders).

So for Indian or Victory for that matter to break that "stranglehold" that HD has over their riders is going to take some time proven experience on the bikes showing that they can hang with the Harley's...or if you want to have the big boy bike...you buy a Rocket or a Rocket Touring or either version of the Thunderbird.

My 2 cents,
