I think I'm in Love...

Ya wanna buy my Adaptive 1's?
You need a second set.
To go on the shelf with the early non adaptive set? - Erm - No!.

Surely in teh US there must be a Quadrophenia fan.
If the bike is 40K in USD they will be slow to sell.

Firstly, they won’t be $40k in the US and certainly not in USD. Whatever Roadsters were priced at over there, add about 50%-55%. Maybe even more. Think about what happened when the Bonneville and Thruxton came out with the bigger engines and electronics. Prices went up by 20% and 30%. Then the increase for the TFC Thruxton was another 45%. Applying those increases to the Rocket here would make the TFC Rocket in excess of $46,000 here. I think a 55% estimate is realistic, and maybe even optimistic, and puts the TFC Rocket at a little over $41,000 ride away. My guess is that it will be higher (sorry Tony).

Secondly, every TFC Rocket coming to this country is pre sold with a growing list of reserve buyers. Any not snapped up in other markets, if there are actually any left anywhere even now, will within months most likely be redirected to countries that want them. If you haven’t got your name on one already you’re almost certainly too late. In other words, the price is more or less irrelevant.
While cost is certainly a factor in any new item, if we really want something most of us would find a way to get it done. :)

Having said that, more important items would seem to be weight, wheel base, tranny, and 2 up capability. Some also want to be able to add bags or carriers. The stock suspension on the standard models will interest most of us too.

The sound we have heard and it seems to be inline with the stock system on the current rockets.:rolleyes: Seems Triumph could have a more likeable exhaust note without being annoying.:thumbsup:

Anyways I wish May 1st would hurry up and get here. :cool:

Yeah sure your right...that why I usually don’t bite but he seemed plausible...sounds too much I’m sure you’re right.

Edit...not that we would BUT I’m sure due to limited availability if you ever felt so inclined you’d be able to sell on at quite a premium.
I was reading for example that whenever a Rolex or Porche etc launch something initial supply always outstrips demand ...Speculators then sell effectively second hand but unused ones at a significant premium over retail of about 20%...Id call it ‘scalping’ however I’m bored as f@#k and thought I’d post some idiotic completely useless nonsense that adds nothing to this whole thread whatsoever!

Hey...I know we are Triumph devotees but you have to admit...this Rocket launch is getting a huge world wide amount of attention. More actually than I can see Harley’s whole new line up got. News of this Rocket is everywhere.

I live in real die hard ‘Harley Country’. Today I stopped off at the ‘ High octane saloon’ the local ‘ serious biker’ bar lol for a quick snifter. ( You know the bar - Where Stella’s for the Fella and Shandy’s for the Pansy) Anyway , being consciously conspicuous as always , as I sweep in on the only bike that didn’t look absolutely identical to the other 80 or so bikes all lined up in a neat row outside - quite a few ‘ Real biker dudes’ as they like to be monikered, strode up to me as I dismounted. Bedecked in Harley ‘Stars & Stripes’ skull cap bandana , grey beard (I just cannot grow one of these **** things!) , cigar , Bud Light , leather vest festooned with badges from Sturges 1976 and the like , sleeveless shirt a little on the tight side now , skull ring on every finger and of course the rather plump lady that must come with all Harley’s behind them, delighted in telling me my rides over the hill now and I need the ‘ New rocket’.
This makes quite a change from the usual “ Nice bike - What is it ?” ( It says Triumph all over the thing?) or “I didn’t know they still made Triumphs” or “What’s that a six cylinder?”
The awareness of this launch is surprising.“ Advertorial...powerful stuff , you just can’t buy it!”.
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