Stay out of this ...Im fat too.............

You know how much I hate you anyways..........

Zone You are right when it comes to you and your bike. If you do not feel secure then you should not use a car tire.
All I meant was if you gave the car tire a fair chance in warmer weather with maybe 2,000 miles before final judgment you might come up with a honest answer.......which ever way it comes out.
To be honest with you I do not like my car tire in cold weather either. 20-40* F, I find the tire way to hard until you can build up heat in it. I can spin it in 1st. and 2nd. just like I was on dirt until it warms up, I only run 24 psi in the car tire and I weigh 245 lbs.
In the warm to hot weather the car tire is awesome for very hard starts, way quicker to the 60 foot mark.
I have a full set of heated clothing including socks and gloves, both bikes has thermostat temp controls. About 5 years ago my wife and I went to bed Sat. night at the Iron Horse lodge (close to Deals Gap) woke up the next morning with 3 inches of snow on the ground an 19*F. We rolled out at 10:30 am heading home, just glad we took the K1200 LT BMW.