Better yet get the wife trained to do the 'body English" while you sit upright and poised. It will keep her 'entertained' and hanging on to something while she leans so she cannot hit you and the faster you go the more she will want to hang on!
You can tell her it is safety procedure so she can see where you are going.
You could also ditch the missus and get an automated sidecar 'swinger' on the back.
Maybe they can invent a counter-weight balance to electronically swing to move CoG and reduce required cornering angle and hence increase tire grip.
It wouldn't be too hard to rig a metronome like device fixed to the back.
It would look a bit like like the RT camel jockey riding controls in Middle Eastern camel racing now since they banned 3-9 year old 'slave' boy jockeys imported from Pakistan.