I could use some advise with insurance..


Jun 12, 2017
Spanish Fork, UT
2010 Rocket III Touring, Suzuki Boulevard M50
Okay, I had a car make a left turn from my right across four lanes and in front of me. I down sided. spent 4 days in the ICU and another 3 in a private room. Totaled my left shoulder. Got a plate in my collar bone a week ago. My Rocket ended up about 30 yards up the street from where I stopped. Lucky I was not over the top having it push me along that far.
So to my question. My bike was taken to the local state impound lot. I was going to have a local Custom Street Rod Shop pick it up from the lot so it would not keep incurring those impound fees. It had been there 10 days by now. Before they could get it the other persons insurance (American Family) had a local collision repair pick it up and then from them a salvage yard (Copart) took it to their skanky yard about 60 miles from where I live. I am freaking out by then. I had gone to the impound lot and took a look and some pics and put my cover on it. I had to call around to find out who took it because the impound lot people could not recall. Dang! I called the salvage yard and asked them if they could please cover it up, but they said "No, we are a salvage yard and don't do that.".

So finally after a ton of texts back and forth with their insurance company I found today that they want to check with me on the customizations/accessories on the bike and it looks like it will be a total loss. I emailed an Excel file of ALL the stuff I had done to it with my costs, including oil changes, etc! So glad I kept track of that!!
They will review the numbers and call me tomorrow to go over the next steps to resolve my claim.
She estimated the base value to be $6500. Which was more that I expected.

So any of you had a similar thing happen? Do I take the money and give it up (I don't think I'll be riding again, just spend more time with upkeep and paying taxes and insurance than I do riding).
Damages are not as bad as I thought. Left running light, engine crash bar and foot peg, pannier crash bar, tank emblem has a rash and the bear claw a scratch patch. Windshield is way scratched. The left rearview mirror was pushed inward but not broke.

I don't what my option are in this case, any ideas what the insurance will give me as options??
At least they are moving on it. I was about thinking to report it stolen, even. That is my baby.

I'm leaning to just let them keep it if the price is right.
Thanks all. Hope your days are going better than mine! :oops::(:)
Been there done that many times with insurance but no injury like that.
Take the payout. There will be people arguing you should fight for more or whatever but as long as all your bills are paid and you have a good bill of health from a 2nd opinion doctor then take the $. You do not have the time or $ or resources to fight for more. Trust me. Let them keep the motorcycle. If you want to keep it and take less $. Make sure you can part out enough stuff to make more $ from the deal.
Glad to hear you make it out ok. Sorry for the loss. I got my rocket totalled for about the same amount. Way more than it's worth for sure.
Post some pictures
I worked in insurance for 13yrs but I'm based in Ireland.......my understanding would be that you are the registered and are thus entitled to keep it if you wish less their salvage value. You then have the balance to repair the bike. With an engineers report it can go back on the road.
I did this previously with a customised Vmax that I still own.
If the insurance company decides to "total" it, then you get a check and you get to keep your bike (as is). Then you can choose whether to use the money to fix the bike, or buy another bike and scrap/part out your damaged bike. Whatever you can get for scrap/parts you get to keep. The impound lot fees are a different issue. I've never had to deal with those.
I worked in insurance for 13yrs but I'm based in Ireland.......my understanding would be that you are the registered and are thus entitled to keep it if you wish less their salvage value. You then have the balance to repair the bike. With an engineers report it can go back on the road.
I did this previously with a customised Vmax that I still own.
I'm the USA it's basically the same but it's a total loss so the insurance will cut about up to 25% off the payout of you keep it. Some states are not like that though but most are. Even if the repairs cost $20,000 they will only pay out to the max value for replacement or current blue book plus 15%
If the insurance company decides to "total" it, then you get a check and you get to keep your bike (as is). Then you can choose whether to use the money to fix the bike, or buy another bike and scrap/part out your damaged bike. Whatever you can get for scrap/parts you get to keep. The impound lot fees are a different issue. I've never had to deal with those.
Not all states do that. Some require you to surrender the vehicle.
Thanks all!!!
If they will give me the $6500 plus what addons they figure, I think I'll take that and give it up. I don't want to deal with it. Might be 6 month to a year before I could, anyway.
I've got an attorney dealing with the medical side. I only need to deal with the bike. If they should unlikely deem it repairable there is a great Triumph Dealer within 10 miles of the salvage yard.




They said they'd reimburse me for a new helmet if I send them the receipt. But I don't think I'll be doing that.
THATS IT????? are the studs on the lower case broken off (the part that the lower control bars and crash bars bolt to? If not then i would keep the bike take the lower payout plus addons and what not and fix it DIY.
Just make sure the forks are strait and not damaged. I was thinking the tank was smashed and what not. You could easily sell that for 4 grand AND take the payout.
You will get a salvage title on the motorcycle if you keep it. But it's easy to convert it back. Just fix the damaged parts on the insurance side after the payout, then have it inspected. Then file for a clean title. Then sell it for max $$$. You could turn a $5000 payout to a $9000 in your pocket just for the rocket.