I can't afford a Rocket III

Thats a pretty bike! Always like the way the vmax stood. Very masculine stance. Not to mention it will shoot out of the hole like a old man on viagara !!! :)
It's a beauty. Did you buy it new? If so, couldn't you find one of those great deals on a Rocket people are always talking about?
it's an 02.

I'm on the Vmax forum. The Vmax forum I was on back in 2000 is gone though. I really liked that one. This new one....not so sure.
OK that was just a tease. We need another vid with some rev on it!!!!
I do like that bike. I wouldnt mind having one as a city bike

The next time it is revved up like that, I'm calling the cops. Us Rocket owners don't make that kind of noise. Seriously, best looking bike you have ever owned.....