I can't afford a Rocket III

Hero Blob

Feb 18, 2007
So I am building something I can afford.

Here it is so far. When I bought it, it was stock with the exception of some custom painted bodywork and a set of slip ons.

Here it is now. Thanks to britman for letting me use his air tools and garage space.


see if you can spot the differences.
Lets see, Shocks, paint, chrome wheels or maybe polished, exhaust. The so called air scoop looks a little different maybe. I know one thing, its super clean and looks great!
You can't complain much that it's not a new Rocket, you did get a new (to you) bike within a few months of having a kid. It would take some negotiating power beyond my capabilities to pull that off in my house.
this is my 3rd bike since the baby. haha

she's not even 5 months old. I had a Warrior (killed my back) a new R6, and this. Sold the R6. Didn't connect with it. I've wanted another Vmax since I sold my last one in 2001.
You can't complain much that it's not a new Rocket, you did get a new (to you) bike within a few months of having a kid. It would take some negotiating power beyond my capabilities to pull that off in my house.

I'm with you on that one. We couldn't afford for me to get the ****** rocket that I wanted... but some how there is a new Can Am Spyder parked in our garage( hers). but I can't complain, I've got plenty of toys, I just always want more.