I am depressed!

Thanks , I'm a bit like the original Michael Finnigan ! absolutely no money here , I was a gym junkie before I met the lovely Taya , Altho the consultants assured me that previous steroid abuse had no part to play in my illness , They certainly helped me become a lard arse when I stopped training not too long before I was diagnosed! I'm just very fortunate that she stuck by me .
That was quick considering you been up all night I'm going for a Peaky Blinders cut next I think ?

Yeah a Mohawk would look half @rsed with a a mullet like that,

you need to go the go the full bonnet.

But never this white blonde afro worn by a serious weirdo


Yup, bad stuff and it probably a difficult thing to determine just what effect the steroid had or will have. It's good that you are off of them. But you're looking good now and Taya is a wonderful lady for standing by you through all of it.

I became a lard ass all on my own when I retried after a 35 year career, during which I lifted weights for conditioning. I'm trying to become a gym rat but it just hurts like the devil in my old age. Every night when I turn in I resolve to hit the gym in the morning and then put it off another day. Procrastination is another thing one gets very good at in old age.