How to : R3R Controls to Standard Question


Mad Scientist
Aug 1, 2010
On the verge of insanity
1979 Guzzi V1000G5 - 2018 KTM 790 Duke
Either buy a new longer OEM Hard line (or go to somebody who can make you one). Or have a custom one piece flexible line made M/C to calliper and fit a Banjo bolt with integrated pressure switch to the M/C.

Honestly not sure which I'd do. The OEM system is tidy. But the one piece flexible is sort of more sexy.
See if there are any Brake specialists near you. Bolting two banjos together sounds VERY dodgy. Better would be an intermediate block anchored somewhere.
This is the brake line I bent from an original standard rocket brake line. You will have to cut one end off and shorten it by about 6 inches and then silver braze the end back on.
**** sure you could (if you do not have the brazing kit) get one made fast - that or use something like Goodridge build-a-line. The speed triple bit is appreciated too.

It's exactly what I was trying to explain & failed!.
Here is a list of items you need to convert a Roadster foot peg position back to a standard version Rocket.

1 left and 1 right side mounting rail

1 left and 1 right foot peg complete with pivot pins and return springs

1 Gear lever

1 Gear lever pivot bolt

1 gear actuation lever (fits on the motor and is smaller than the Roadster's)

1 Gear lever connection shaft ( joins the gear lever to the gear actuation lever and provides adjustability)

1 Left hand side chrome boot shield

1 Rear brake pedal

1 Rear brake pedal pivot bolt

1 Rear brake pedal return spring

1 Rear brake master cylinder complete with reservoir (08 or 09 Speed Triple is the same as the Rocket, Touring model does not fit as it is the same as the Roadsters)

1 Rear brake pipe from master cylinder to brake light switch (you will need to make this or use a short braided line 6" long)

1 Bracket to mount the brake light switch to the side rail.( you will need to make this from sheet metal - see earlier post)

4 New banjo sealing washers for the brake pipe connections.

1 Right hand side chrome boot shield (comes in 2 pieces)

You will also need a way to bleed the ABS braking system as the solenoids need to be opened to bleed the system properly.
I use software called Dealer Tool or you could also have your dealer do it for around the same price as Dealer Tool.

If you buy a second Hand rail set you will get most of the above items. Then use Ebay and the forums to get the rest.

Once done you can enjoy a little more legroom than the Roadster gives.

Feel free to add if someone thinks I missed something.

Resurrecting your helpful thread.....I'm converting a '12 roadster to footboards and have all parts but not a new master cylinder or resevoir, was told I could use the '12 components I have. However, as you know I'm unable to connect the lines with the new configuration. question is can I use the existing master cylinder and reesevoir? I see I'll need the bracket and a new banjo line.

Any help you could provide would be great....thought I be riding this Memorial Day, apparently not, lol!

Lets see here,I am swapping my 2012 R3R forward control set for a 2008 Standard control set complete,and just whats hooked to the rails. i am not keeping any of my Roadster M/C parts at all includeing the M/C and its components. Im not removing my Roadster flexible brake lines at all in any way.Right now you can see the switch fitting hanging and the flexible brake line hanging as i have both of my forward controls removed with the rails attached to each. I have yet to see the Standard 08 forward controls as they are in the mail to me now.,,, Leaving my existing flex brake lines going to happen for sure. The one piece might look more Sexy,LOL, but theres too many pieces for one piece as that OEM junction block has 4 lines going to it. The F/R lines and two other going elsewhere,two of them screw into junction box and two are welded in or moulded in to the OEM junction block itself on my 2012 Roadster W/ABS.,, You guys are just great,id be lost,stay with me please. Love the pictures too ,thanks.,,Unless Im missing something I can't see the reason to get a speed tripple M/C as Ill have the 08 standard one attached to what Im getting unless im miss reading you all.LMK,I can't believe Im so ignorant on this,hope some of you alls smart will pass to me. I think Ill know more after I rec it and before I ship mine back to him as he is going Roadster controls for his short legs.,,Ill get back later again today and every day untill I get me on my new bike and on the rode,haven't rode it yet and Ive already made the second payment on it. My **** hip won't let me get to the Roadster controls,but better things are gonna finally happen the 10th of Oct,New hip ball and socket,thank God.,,,

Nox273 why do i need to get a Speed Tripple M/C if the 2008 forward controls Im getting already has its OEM M/C attached to it??

Hi Gary, I'm in similar situation with a '12 R3R and an inch short on the brake line. The brake switch actually screws onto the stock master cylinder but again, the line is too short to be couple onto master cylinder and brake switch. Do I need an '08 master cylinder to finish the conversion as well as the self-shortened brake line?

Thanks, Mike
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Geez, didn't even see your post till today!

Yes, it can be done, and I ASSUME that all the parts from an ABS Touring model should bolt right on. Not sure about front brake lines, etc., transferring over but I bet it would be pretty close.
Without having checked real closely for any minor differences between the ABS Touring floor boards and those of the Classic Tourer and older pre ABS Touring models I don't know for certain if used parts would also work. is pretty good about having factory OEM parts fisches on their site so you should be able to check part numbers to see what differences if any exist.

Let us know how it goes and welcome to the forum!

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