.060 Over
I'd like to put new rear shocks on my 2011 Rocket III Touring, and for the life of me I can't figure out how I'm going to get the rear end off the garage floor. I've looked at the the little flip-up lift stands, I think they're also called paddock stands. I don't think that will work because there is no place to put the lift pad on a swing arm, on the final drive side of the bike. The hydraulic lifts you put under and use to lift the whole bike... I have doubts as to whether I can place the two lift pads in a spot that won't do damage if there's all the bikes weight bearing down on it. It looks like you'd have to put them under the sump, or belly pan and I don't think that's a good idea. Plus I'm not sure it'd be balanced front-to-back. I've thought about hoisting it from above, because I have a large super solid I-beam going across the middle of my garage...but I get stuck trying to figure out how a hoist rigging would go.
I'm sure there's people here who know the way... I could really use some help.
Thanks in advance.
I'm sure there's people here who know the way... I could really use some help.
Thanks in advance.