How screwed am I?

I have a small torque wrench in my Santa list for this year. Im scared when I reach resistance with some boltz and undertorque them. Have a heatshield hex head that will not budge. Not stripped yet but damaged. How do I get it off?
I have one on my radiator shroud. I just pretend I will never have to take it out. Most will tell you to get a dremmel tool with a cutting wheel and cut a slot for a flathead screwdriver. If that doesn't work a drill with a not so easy out. Make sure you have applied PB BLASTER a few times to help loosen it up. Good luck Oh heating up with a propane torch can help also.
I'm an old fart, old fashioned, my torque wrench is built into my elbow! Ha! Old saying, "a quarter turn past the first squeak" Ha Ha Ha
I'm an old fart, old fashioned, my torque wrench is built into my elbow! Ha! Old saying, "a quarter turn past the first squeak" Ha Ha Ha
in the oilfield we say get it as tight as you can then go another round
OOOkaaay Got'er done. One more squirt of WD-40. Find and old rusty chisel and a trusty hammer. Make a deep indentation on the rim of the bolt @ 90 degrees. The give it a few good hits at an angle and voila. The chisel edge is toast and so is the bolt but who cares. I'm replacing the slim stock washers with 1mm SS ones. Dab some anti seize grease in there. Keep the Allen and a few spares in the quick tool pocket and check'm regularly. They like to fly off the bike. I do that with my caliper and disc boltz. Basic maintenance.
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I am already planning on running a bead of RTV around the lip of the tank under the gasket and just snugging down with feel. If it wasn't gas right on top of electrics and engine I would just run it without the one bolt.....but.....

Very accurate and have never had a problem with getting nuts and bolts torqued correctly. Great for the light stuff. Gets calibrated every six months at work. No need for RTV. Get a quality torque wrench and say goodbye to screw ups.
Well that was not fun, I decided to reassemble sans torque wrench just so I could "feel" the tightness. So far so good. Have you ever dropped a bolt down into the motor area of this thing? There are so many places for it to hang up is scary. Yep, there went another hour or so of my time looking for that. Tonight, with any luck I will get the throttle bodies balanced and this thing back together..

Broke only one of mine a couple of years ago. The one at the front then dropped a nut down the injector side, hated myself for a whole ten minutes. Putty on a stick got the nut out but I have never replaced the stud under the tank ..... I don't think it leaks ..... I'm not looking