How screwed am I?

Well, I purged the tank, took it to a shop and they cut on one side of the broken bolt, rolled it back and replaced the bolts.

Now comes the **** Me Running part.

I was putting in back together with nylocks today and one of the new bolts snapped at 4Nm, about 35 in #s, The torque in the manual is 5Nm, I think I am not looking in the frickin manual anymore. So it looks like what should have been an easy reassembly today has turned into another wait and let's fix it again. I wasn't even adding a little extra for the nylock, just going with standard torque number. If I knew the size of the bolt I would go buy my own to take with the tank.

**** Me.

The other thing to consider is that all the bolts could have been overstretch when you torqued them the first time. If so, they could fail with a minimum of twist....

You stated that the torque wrench did not click. Did you find out why? I wouldn't use it or at least get it calibrated.
I have already tossed both cheap torque wrenches that click. Will get some bar or dial type from Snap On, half price through daughter. Bought a in. lb. that I used this AM. Only got 4 NM before it twisted off. I am thinking cheap bolt that got brittle from heat . So I now have some hex cap 10-24 bolts to try and no more torque wrenches but calibrated elbow. This is the torque wrench I used today, I am pretty positive I didn't over torque. 5NM is about 45 inch pounds. Next time will be between 3.5 and 4 NM

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At this point I would never trust a torque wrench again. I would trust my feel and if it leaked I would look for a better gasket.
At this point I would never trust a torque wrench again. I would trust my feel and if it leaked I would look for a better gasket.

I am already planning on running a bead of RTV around the lip of the tank under the gasket and just snugging down with feel. If it wasn't gas right on top of electrics and engine I would just run it without the one bolt.....but.....


I have a small torque wrench in my Santa list for this year. Im scared when I reach resistance with some boltz and undertorque them. Have a heatshield hex head that will not budge. Not stripped yet but damaged. How do I get it off?