I have never had a problem drilling out snapped bolts with left hand thread drill bits. Comes in a kit of six bits,start with the smallest,set drill for counter clockwise and SLOWLY drill into it. Use next size after hole is drilled and so on. Between the friction and the bits biting will come right out.
I bet you these T Slot bolts (or something similar) are used in that application. They are dropped into the retainer plate slot then the whole assembly tig welded to the tank.
Should be relatively easy to cut slots in the retainer plate to slide old bolt out and install replacements.
I'd take a dremel with a cut off wheel, and cut the little spot welds, each side of the broke bolts. Pry the metal piece up, insert new bolts, and clamp the metal piece back down, and re-tack weld. Fill the tank with water before welding, and it shouldn't go boom!
Thanks for all of the suggestions so far. It seems other than the bike being down for a few days it should be a pretty straightforward fix. At least I hope so.
You got a idea there only my bet is after you cut and insert new stud i bet a good tig welder can close the plat up. In fact i would think as long as you remove the fuel and vapors. One couls soften all the tac welds on the flange remove it istall or fix the to offending bolts and tac her bak on where she was. Sonny perhaps good lend his experienced welder opinion.
I'd take a dremel with a cut off wheel, and cut the little spot welds, each side of the broke bolts. Pry the metal piece up, insert new bolts, and clamp the metal piece back down, and re-tack weld. Fill the tank with water before welding, and it shouldn't go boom!
Quick video,I punch the pilot,and use the left hand bits starting from smallest and working up until it comes out, I don’t drill the pilot with a regular bit. I’ve got some pretty rusted and corroded bolts out this way. Sometimes will take a grinder to make it flat, rather than the punch and bit slide off. Good luck,total investment is about $20 cdn.
You got a idea there only my bet is after you cut and insert new stud i bet a good tig welder can close the plat up. In fact i would think as long as you remove the fuel and vapors. One couls soften all the tac welds on the flange remove it istall or fix the to offending bolts and tac her bak on where she was. Sonny perhaps good lend his experienced welder opinion.