So a friend of mine bought a 09 classic new...
Sold it to another friend & then he sold it to another friend, who crashed it. The insurance wrote it off.
When I was looking for a frame (as I built one out of parts) I ended up buying it off a wrecker...yes the same frame that all my friends had owned the bike
The frame was still registered, so the 09 Classic still lives, sort of just with a 16 roadster engine & numerous other parts
I see u have me counted thanks
there are a lot of good people on hear that have classics
or a lot of people that have good classics
i am a classic with a classic
06 and 07 had classic i think that 08 the touring came out
i could be wrong but i think that they had classic in 08 and 09.
some one will be aalong that knows more that i do on this subject.