How many of you bought the Roadster & added bags plus a shield?

Mine has Triumph windshield and bags. Nothing wrong with the bags - but if I was too choose again, I would buy lockable bags. Probably Corbins, because it does make a difference if one can lock them.
I have Chinese hard bags do the job also small screen and triumph gel seat all work well for me , bikes 08 classic so I've got floor boards and wide pull back bars
Mine has Triumph windshield and bags. Nothing wrong with the bags - but if I was too choose again, I would buy lockable bags. Probably Corbins, because it does make a difference if one can lock them.

Not so much if you can quickly detach the bags and carry them inside.
Easy Brackets.
Anyone know if the new R3T ECU will lock out if you try to hack it with TuneEcu? If not, the power issue goes away and you have a super RK.