How many of you bought the Roadster & added bags plus a shield?

Ok C908 hopefully you have realized bags and windshields are a easy add on to the Roadster. If your not into the pricey Corbin's then I would point out the Hepco & Becker removable bags and rear trunk is another option whether its just 30 liter side bags or the 40 liter ones. I have over 40,000 miles on mine and they still perform well even at speeds above 150MPH. Now that being said you just need to make up your mind whether you want a original look or a copy look? I am sure some touring people will get chapped at this statement. But I am sure everyone can agree the Rocket with its bug eyes and bulk does not resemble other bikes on the street where as other bikes seem to copy Harley whether its a Jap bike or others. You can not really blame Triumph or any other Jap bike for going after the Hardley look its all business and they want to take all the customers away from their competitors. That's just plain smart thinking!!!!!!!!!
Now all you Touring guys can flog me for my statements!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back to the original question; my2011 R3R came 'used' with bags & shield and Corbin seat already in place. They are excellent. I need nothing more for comfort.
Either would be great - the Roadster greater!
Mine comes tomorrow - ordered with flyscreen, triumph bags and sissy bar with rack - sounds like it won't be a bad choice
Add floorboards if your doing any long rides, I can stand on them to shake out a cramp, change riding positions, etc. I also wanted to say if you get Triumph leather bags DO NOT use armor all or any other leather treatment as it will soften the leather and the bags will sag. guess how I know.