How can I ever trust my r3t?

That dealership is no good Tommy Boy. Go get your bike I will come up there on some weekend and help you look at it. I believe we can get it fixed with the help of @DEcosse on the phone. The mechanics that they have at that shop have no idea what they're doing other than looking at a manual to try to figure out what they're looking at.
That dealership is no good Tommy Boy. Go get your bike I will come up there on some weekend and help you look at it. I believe we can get it fixed with the help of @DEcosse on the phone. The mechanics that they have at that shop have no idea what they're doing other than looking at a manual to try to figure out what they're looking at.
That's what you call a friendly, helpful forum.
Thank you for all of your replies. I have been so busy at work since the beginning of the year I really have not had a chance deal with the dealership.
I have called Triumph USA. Was told they sent the dealer a harness but the dealer claims it was not the right one. Then I was told that none were available anywhere in the world. Now I'm being told Triumph is making one up for my bike. It worries me that being only two years out of production and already there is an issue with getting factory parts. I only had the bike 14 days before dropping of at dealership. The dealer has had it for three months.
Again, Tommy, HERE is the best place to be, and several folks have stepped up who know FAR MORE than the dealer in how a ROCKET should behave, and where to get parts for them.

I would suggest the dealer has had their chance -- their denying you of your bike for so long, and any work they've done is a wash, and you take the bike back. It was running when you left it with them, right ? It should still be running. Just call them and say, "No harm, no foul, I'd like to have a friend drop me off on [next day of business] and ride my bike back home. Thank you."
Thank you for all of your replies. I have been so busy at work since the beginning of the year I really have not had a chance deal with the dealership.
I have called Triumph USA. Was told they sent the dealer a harness but the dealer claims it was not the right one. Then I was told that none were available anywhere in the world. Now I'm being told Triumph is making one up for my bike. It worries me that being only two years out of production and already there is an issue with getting factory parts. I only had the bike 14 days before dropping of at dealership. The dealer has had it for three months.
The service manager at that shop is very polite but when you get down to the nitty-gritty does not care about you or your bike. The young men that are the macanics have little to no experience on the triumph bikes and when they do the service manager holds them back. Do not ask me how I know this information. A new wiring harness for a blinker not working. If I were you I would have run not walked if I was told something like that. I am willing to bet that @sonny @DEcosse and I will be able to fix this problem. I learned a long time ago look at the smallest things first on electrical problems. I am only 1 hour away from you.
The service manager at that shop is very polite but when you get down to the nitty-gritty does not care about you or your bike. The young men that are the macanics have little to no experience on the triumph bikes and when they do the service manager holds them back. Do not ask me how I know this information. A new wiring harness for a blinker not working. If I were you I would have run not walked if I was told something like that. I am willing to bet that @sonny @DEcosse and I will be able to fix this problem. I learned a long time ago look at the smallest things first on electrical problems. I am only 1 hour away from you.
Got your text but do not know how to text back. Not real slick on phones. The phone made a noise and it took me a bit to figure out where the noise was coming from. My work bought the phone for me after the last breakdown on the Harley. Have not used it much since buying the Rocket. (go figure)Tommy boy will figure it out that he is being taken for a ride to nowhere. Our offers are still good. In the meantime let's set up for one of these poker runs this spring were we can all get together. I mean everyone in OKLAHOMA show up at a designated run and ride together. We can plan this well ahead of time and insure that all the Okies are present. **** I could just see the faces of the die hard harley guys face up to four or five Rockets. Would be a lot of fun.