How can I ever trust my r3t?

If I thought the way that many of the posters seem to feel, I'd give Triumph a wide berth. They sound like amateur hour to hear this forum tell it.

You are generalizing this as a 'Triumph' problem, when in fact no-one was trashing Triumph, simply that dealer - that is a WHOLE different thing.
In fact I personally REFUSE to believe this is a Triumph problem, but a shop which does not possess the technical competence to resolve what is in essence a quite trivial problem.

... but he really got his nose rubbed in it by asking about it here.
Again, you are casting aspersions that are simply not valid - I don't see anyone 'rubbing his nose in it' - far from it actually, with people offering advice and their personal assistance, even to the degree of some volunteering to even ride up there & assist.

You are simply incredibly wrong in the perceptions you seem to have deduced from this thread.
Not only are the members of this forum staunchly supportive of the Triumph marque, they also have an unprecedented camaraderie to reach out & help their fellow members, even those they might not know personally.
You are generalizing this as a 'Triumph' problem, when in fact no-one was trashing Triumph, simply that dealer -

Again, you are casting aspersions that are simply not valid - I don't see anyone 'rubbing his nose in it' -

You are simply incredibly wrong in the perceptions you seem to have deduced from this thread.

If he ever comes back, you can ask him what he thinks.

I know the forum members are well meaning, but those of you who are committed denizens may not realize how your certainty, disdain, and enthusiasm are perceived by the uncommitted.

And my comment was not based on this thread alone, but on the general "wah wah wah Triumph doesn't know what they're doing" tone. There are many threads whining about dealers. There are often hand wringing threads about the future of the R3.

In my view, banging over and over again about how incompetent this well reviewed Euro-bike dealer is, is a pretty good nose rub. He took his bike to them. The forum labeled them as the Typhoid Mary of the motorcycle world.

In any event, you're entitled to your opinion ... as I am to mine.

I am curious about the outcome. Someone knows. But Tommy Boy appears to have flown the coop.
I for one have always been a big fan of TRIUMPH. I placed a post right after I figured out what they had done to my bike to warn others to stay away from them. I know now that from what a few Texans have posted that there is a good dealership down around Houston that will treat you right and know what they are doing. If I run up against something that is beyond my capabilities I know where to take my bike. That is the beauty of this site. Unlike some brands and websites the TRIUMPH diehards do not tolerate sub standard work. Do I care if TRIUMPH cans the Rocket? Not really for me it is the best bike I have ever owned and that is saying a lot . Not much on being politically correct but very much into learning and understanding and helping out my fellow ROCKET RIDERS.:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool: