How can I ever trust my r3t?

This is the problem with owning a Rocket here in the USofA . It's a crap game finding a dealer(stealer) that knows what the he!! their doing and won't charge you an arm and leg for services rendered.. I've gone through this BS many times here in New England especially in the beginning years of the Rocket. I've mapped out all the reputable dealers here in New England and feel confident riding around this neck of the woods. If i go further than 1000 miles I'll take the Roadking at least i know if i break down,there's a dealer around every corner..JMO from experience. I find it hard to believe they put the wrong electrical wire harness in the Rocket .."come on"....:rolleyes::cautious::unsure:
I bought my 2015 R3T on October 15th. It was a good deal and I wanted a Rocket. Rode it from Wichita KS back to Yukon OK, great ride, no problems. Took a half off of work October 28 and went for a relaxiing ride.

When I returned from that ride I noticed my left turn signals were not working so I took it to the dealer and dropped it off. That was on October 29th. I was eventually told that my bike had the wrong wiring harness.

Even though the model is less than two years out of production I was told there was not one to be found anywhere and that Triumph was going to make one.

Today is January 15th and the dealer still has my bike. They claim it will be ready by the end of the month. I have already bought a good amount custom parts.

So after this long rambling story my question to you is if you were in my position would you be able to trust this bike when the dealer gave back to you 100%? I have been riding Honda Valkyrie that was built in October of 1996. And it has never let me down. It's always gotten the home. Never left me stranded anywhere.

Just looking for some honest opinions.

After being told a story like that by the dealer I would have called Triumph USA to confirm the unavailability of the harness, which you might still consider doing.
Thank you very much for all of your responses! I bought the bike from a Indian dealer in Wichita KS. With 25 miles on the odometer. The bike is being serviced at the Triumph dealer in OK. I don't think the dealer problem at all. All of the people at the dealership has been very responsive.

I have personally called Triumph USA. The person I spoke with was already aware of the situation. When I call my local Triumph to tell them what I had found they told my they tried the part number I had given them but it was not the problem.

I understand what you are saying about the wrong harness being used during assembly. That just can't happen. Before they called Triumph Corporate tech support. I was told that wire colors were not matching descriptions in the service manual. The dealership's electrical tech is very good.

I'm still waiting for the new wiring harness to get to the US. It's hard to get excited about a motorcycle that you only had for two weeks but has been in the dealers shop for almost three months.

I also calls into question Triumph's commitment to maintaining an inventory of R3T parts.

It's cold here in Oklahoma right now so I'm not really missing out on any riding opportunities. And I know the dealership wants to get it out of their shop. It's a multi brand European outfit and they can probably fit three Ducati's in the same spot as they have my triumph rocket three.

I'll let you know when I get it back and put some miles on it.

PS If we have a good riding day I can alway take out the Valkyrie!
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I'm with many people here...I just can't see how that could happen, especially if they were working before. As our resident electrical guru @DEcosse has mention before, the relay or control function for the turn signals, if not in total then in part (my words by the way, so as not to misquote DeEcosse), are contained in the instrument cluster on the R3T. I would be looking there and if they have another bike they could swap the cluster from, that's where I would be looking.
I think Red Bull is correct. That bike needs to be replaced. No I would not trust it either. Require Triumph to replace it for you OR trade it in on a new one. Check with the Kansas consumer protection department and the motor vehicle department as to what they require dealers and manufactures to do in a situation like this.
Wrong harness?
Sorry - don't see it
Wire colours don't match? he's either using wrong schematic or identifying connectors incorrectly
I think you need to find a proper Triumph shop or someone who knows more about it

Let me ask basic question - Touring model right? does it have the single headlight plus two aux lights? Were they working?
Does it have the touring instruments in the tank?
And right signal works but just not left? (Respect to @Bedifferent but if at least one side works is not the cluster)
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Thank you very much for all of your responses! I bought the bike from a Indian dealer in Wichita KS. With 25 miles on the odometer. The bike is being serviced at the Triumph dealer in OK. I don't think the dealer problem at all. All of the people at the dealership has been very responsive.

I have personally called Triumph USA. The person I spoke with was already aware of the situation. When I call my local Triumph to tell them what I had found they told my they tried the part number I had given them but it was not the problem.

I understand what you are saying about the wrong harness being used during assembly. That just can't happen. Before they called Triumph Corporate tech support. I was told that wire colors were not matching descriptions in the service manual. The dealership's electrical tech is very good.

I'm still waiting for the new wiring harness to get to the US. It's hard to get excited about a motorcycle that you only had for two weeks but has been in the dealers shop for almost three months.

I also calls into question Triumph's commitment to maintaining an inventory of R3T parts.

It's cold here in Oklahoma right now so I'm not really missing out on any riding opportunities. And I know the dealership wants to get it out of their shop. It's a multi brand European outfit and they can probably fit three Ducati's in the same spot as they have my triumph rocket three.

I'll let you know when I get it back and put some miles on it.

PS If we have a good riding day I can alway take out the Valkyrie!
Get a Lawyer quick. Same shop #ucked my bike up replacing the back tire. The tech is a moron. The service manger is a joke. I had to go into the shop area and instruct the tech on how to get the tire back on after four hour of waiting. Later when I replaced the back tire myself found the nuts and bolts stripped out and the wheel bearings gone. The back axle was torqued down beyond belief. Posted a thread on this shop. They do not have a clue. You are getting screwed over big time. Get a lawyer and talk to him if need be I will tell him about my dealings with this shop Phone Number 918-652-1568. I would love nothing more than to get even with this group. Still pissed six months later. This shop needs to be closed down before someone gets hurt by there lack of knowledge and mechanical abilities.
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Here's a mistake in the manual that could potentially confuse someone who is not intimate with the schematics:
there is an error in the manual regarding the ID of the relays;


On the Right Side of the Touring there is only one relay indeed, as shown in the cartoon
However they ID'd it incorrectly as the Flasher unit which it is NOT - it is the starter relay
As @Bedifferent said earlier there is NO turn signal relay (Flasher Module) on the Touring, it is integrated as part of the Instrument Cluster
Wrong harness?
Sorry - don't see it
Wire colours don't match? he's either using wrong schematic or identifying connectors incorrectly
I think you need to find a proper Triumph shop or someone who knows more about it

Let me ask basic question - Touring model right? does it have the single headlight plus two aux lights? Were they working?
Does it have the touring instruments in the tank?
And right signal works but just not left? (Respect to @Bedifferent but if at least one side works is not the cluster)

I knew I could draw you into the conversation even if I was wrong.