Hooligan or gentleman?!?

Stock Roadster is expensive to adapt to proper touring mode....Touring is relatively cheap to make power on par with the roadster.

Neither (in stock form)will outrun an FJ....our local coppers ride FJ's and my roadster is basically stock...I'm an expert on this topic
Depends what you are getting it for? Something to tool around the local area on or the miles of smiles version.

I have a 2015 R3T and love it. It is super easy to get the power up to where the Roadster is. Going down that path is intoxicating though. I cann't understand it? Once you get it to that level you just want to keep going?

I got the touring because I plan on doing some serious miles. Planning a trip atm from Lafayette Indiana to Selma North Carolina as we speak. As far as the touring's handling it is crazy. Once the bike is moving the weight melts away. You know the weight is there, but she will dip and rise at your command. You do have to work her a bit, but she is a pure pleaser. (look I made another word) Did Lafayette to Nashville Tennessee this summer no problem in a day. Wife and I were gone for 4 days and between the saddle bags and touring bag on the rack she still had room to do some shopping. (That and she has figured out having things shipped home.)
  • Seat needs reworked or replaced. I had mine rebuilt.
  • Pipes are too quiet and restrictive. I did TORS and am happy. Going to get one of Paul's cross overs too. (After I make the wife happy for Christmas)
  • The windscreen may need some tweaking.
  • The stock tires are cr@p.
  • You will need Tune ECU and a $25.00 cable from ebay or amazon. (Tunes and advise are here for the asking)
That being said what you can get a used one for you are still money ahead.
And all the answers to all your questions are on these pages. People here are great.

Being an instructor you would really appreciate this bike. It is not for the faint of heart. You will quickly understand why we pilot these bikes.

Oh and as far as those Harley questions. This bike will make them cry.
Looking back i wonder how many riders got their start on a bike after watching Peter Fonda in Easy Rider. Now at 77 Peter is riding a Thunderbird Storm he claims it's the best of two worlds Hooligan/ fast and Gentleman/ comfortable ... If anyone would know i bet it would be Peter...
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