Hill Country Salvo

Thanks for the heads up Native One. I too will put it on my calendar. I could pitch a tent somewhere half way, say OK, and maybe catch some more fine motorbikes to roll in with.:cool:
I suppose I could ride slow enough to let you keep up big Bill:eek:.
Yea bro, c'mon down, you know you're welcome.
We may have to throw ole Lon a tow rope as we pass by.
If he ain't on duty that weekend of course.
Just got back from that area. The roads they call the three sisters, FM's 335,336 and 337 are a blast for you twistie lovers. The country side is beautiful too, even at warp speed. ;)
Might as well,
my wife's gonna be there on her slooow RED Rocket,
From what I can tell, there'll be several wives and signifigant others there
for the party,
I mean ride..
Sounds like a good time to take a spring ride . . . Leesburg is the week before so, two weekends straight . . maybe Deb and I should just take the whole week off . . .:D