Highway Bars and Adjustable Pegs

teraeric said he connected to the engine rail and not crash bars just curious how that looked!
Thats how i'll try hooking mine up , havnt seen it yet but looking at the bike it may hinder cornering some but im not a boy racer anyway, just like going fast in straight lines lol
If you get them mounted post a picture I'm really curious to see what they look like mounted in that position!
If you get them mounted post a picture I'm really curious to see what they look like mounted in that position!
Will do , wont be for a couple of weeks as i took the cheap shipping option lol
Do you feel as though those pegs are mounted far enough forward? How tall are you?
Do you feel as though those pegs are mounted far enough forward? How tall are you?
6'1" they work great. Positive foot position. When I throw my leg over the pegs then my ankles rest on them so plenty forward.