High Percentage of Northwest Florida Folks


He's already here. He's going to ride over around 4:30 this afternoon. Perhaps you can hook up with him. It's real easy to get to my place.

Btw, Crestview is one thing... If you decide to go to Holt, best be sure you're gone by sundown. I think that's where they do strange things with goats after dark. :D
Btw, Crestview is one thing... If you decide to go to Holt, best be sure you're gone by sundown. I think that's where they do strange things with goats after dark. :D

Wrong Dave . . . oh wait . . he shags sheep not goats.

Bring it on Bob, we can give you an escort if you stay till after dark.
I must have missed all of you, I got to Daryl's around 5:45 pm, got to see his R3T with the solo seat installed and the new Tiger...both looked great.

I probably ought to change my name to Rainmaker or Rainmaster or something. I ran into a little rain on the way over...and a lot of rain on the way back.

I did hear that Scot in Exile was asking for directions to "this Holt...wherever that is..." So sheep/goat herders in Holt....HIDE YOUR SHEEP?GOATS before it's too late.

All in all I had a nice ride this afternoon/evening and I was dried out by the time I returned home.


9 dtg Dubai
Maybe you guys in NW FL don't have anything better to do? I can't post when I'm riding. We are getting a few people here in SC and hopefully we can all start to post a little more.